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Instruction for the authors
General Instructions
Botanica Serbica publishs papers in plant sciences in English (with Serbian abstract).
Botanica Serbica will publish original scientific papers, original scientific reports, review articles and letters to the editor. Full papers should be concise without compromising clarity and completeness and should generally occupy no more than 12 published pages. In case of more, please contact the editorial board. Original scientific reports should not be more than 5 printed pages (including References and Abstract). Materials and Methods will remain as a separate section. The Results and Discussion section could be combined, followed by Conclusion. On occasion, the journal will invite and publish reviews on important issues in any field of plant science. Letters to the Editor are limited to a maximum of 850 words.An abstract in the Serbian language should be provided at the end of the manuscript. The Serbian abstract will be added by the Editoral Board only if the author(s) has no ability to write it.
Starting with volume 44, Botanica Serbica will accept new records of plants, algae and fungi for a joint column under the title New records of plants and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions with selected relevant data, which will be published at the end of the issue. Each contribution should contain an obligatory part and a descriptive part of no more than 300 words. The number of contributors is suggested to be one or two per contribution. The references should follow the regular journal style. Please refer to volume 44(1) for the contribution´s style and send the contribution to Column editors will be responsible for preparation of the manuscript.
Submission of Manuscripts
Authors are required to submit their article to Botanica Serbica by sending it as a word attachment to the Editorial Board at the following e-mail address: At the stage of submission the figures should be incorporated in the manuscript file at its end. Papers previously published and/or under consideration for publication elsewhere cannot be accepted.
Preparation of Manuscripts
Papers must be written in British English. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an English- speaking colleague prior to submission. Manuscripts that are deficient in this respect may be returned to the author for revision before scientific review.
Presentation of Manuscripts
A recent issue of Botanica Serbica should be consulted for guidance on format and style. Up-to-date Instructions for Authors are also available on the journal’s website. The manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word with the following layout.
1.The manuscript should contain title page, abstract(s), main body and references.
2. Please use standard fonts such as Times New Roman, font size 12. Use consistent notations and spellings. Use italics for emphasis.
3. Number manuscript pages consecutively and activate line numbering.
4. The manuscript should be double-spaced. The beginning of each new paragraph must be clearly indicated by indentation. Left-justify the text and turn off automatic hyphenation. Use carriage returns only to end headings and paragraphs. Artificial word breaks at the end of lines must be avoided. Do not insert spaces before punctuation.
Tables should be added after References and each new table should be on a
separate page.
5. Figures should follow the tables, with each figure put on a separate page ensuring that the figure is at least the size it will be in the final printed document. Number each figure outside the boundary of the figure. The resolution of figures should be at least 150 pixels/cm (300 pixels/in).
6. Please follow internationally accepted rules and conventions for gene and protein names, units, symbols and capitalisation in text, tables and figures.
7. Save your file in docx or doc format (Word 97-2003 or higher).
Title Page
The title page should include a concise and informative title, author names in full (first name followed by LAST NAME, eg., Branka
The abstract should be one paragraph, no longer than 350 words. No references should be cited in the abstract. Abbreviations should be avoided, but if they have to be used, they must be defined the first time they appear. A list of keywords (up to six) must be included after the abstract for indexing purposes.
General Arrangement of Text
The text should be divided into sections with the headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. Subheadings within sections except Introduction can be used to clarify their contents. The Introduction and Discussion sections may contain present tense to convey generally accepted information. Materials and Methods and Results are normally written in the past tense. Results and Discussion can be combined.
The introduction should define the problem and provide sufficient information to explain the background. The objectives should be stated, but this section should not contain a summary of the results.
Sufficient detail must be provided to allow the work to be repeated. This section should contain the experimental protocols and the origin of materials, tissue, cell lines or organisms.
The Results section should be in logical order presenting the experimental results.
The authors should interpret their results clearly and suggest what they might mean in a larger context. Please do not repeat information provided in the Results section.
Please give a short conclusion with an outline of the results and their significance to science
Assistance received from funding agencies and colleagues should be acknowledged in this section.
Published or “in press” articles may be included in the reference list. Unpublished studies should be referred to as such or as a personal communication in the text.
Citations of references should be in the following format:
Book Chapter
Avoid citation of web pages due to inconsistency. If web site references are used, the URL should be included next to information in the text. Please check the references carefully for accuracy, missing information and punctuation.
Tables and Figures
The lists of tables or figures should be numbered consecutively starting from 1. Tabulation and illustration should not be used for points that can be adequately and concisely described in the text. Tables and figures should be understandable on their own without reference to the text. Explanatory footnotes should be related to the legend or table using superscript lower-case letters. All abbreviations should be defined after the footnotes below the table or by reference to a previous table in the same paper.
Acceptable image formats are TIFF and EPS. Electronic figure files should be named with the last name of the first author and the figure number; for example, Perić Fig1. The figure number must also be included in the file. Authors wishing to publish colour art must pay the associated publication costs, which will be estimated on acceptance of the paper. In cases where it is clear that the figure must be presented in colour and authors cannot cover colour art fees, such fees may be waived at the discretion of the Editor after reviewing a letter explaining the circumstances.
Manuscript submission
Authors are required to submit their articles to Botanica Serbica by sending it as word attachment to Editorial to the following e mail At the stage of submission the figures should be incorporated in the manuscript file at its end. Papers previously published and/or under consideration for publication elsewhere cannot be accepted.